7.3 K
9th May 2019 7311

DNS Zone Transfer

In the world of networking, computers don’t go by names like humans. Instead, they go by numbers. Computers identify and communicate with each other over a network by means of some unique numbers called as IP (Internet Protocol) addresses.

9 K
8th July 2019 8964

Android Manifest File Analysis 101

Android Manifest file provides the system with necessary data like application’s configuration information, permissions, and app components. Android Manifest File can be obtained by extracting any APK File and also while doing assessment, you can use APKtool & Drozer for extracting the Manifest file from the application.

12.9 K
1st June 2019 12872

FTP Penetration Testing

Well, this blog will describe the possible ways to attack the FTP servers to compromise your files or the internal network of the organization, how the attacker would try to exploit the FTP, and best possible ways to defend the attack.

12th September 2023 993

Why SaaS Product Owners Need to Prioritize Vulnerability Assessments and Penetration Testing

Your product is designed to handle sensitive customer data, ranging from personal information to financial records.

1.1 K
12th July 2023 1136

Why Two is Better Than One: The Benefits of Combining Internal and External Cybersecurity Resources

In today's world, Cybersecurity has expanded quickly and attracted a large audience

1.2 K
12th July 2023 1174

DNS Hijacking Prevention: Safeguarding Your Domain from Attacks

Protecting your domain against DNS hijacking attempts is essential in the modern digital world.When hostile actors take over a domain's DNS settings.

1.6 K
7th July 2023 1586

Maximizing Security: Uncovering Threats with In-house Security and External VAPT Team

Discover how combining in-house security expertise with external VAPT teams can maximize your organization's security.

2.7 K
26th June 2020 2739

Beware of NetWire RAT Malware spread via Microsoft Excel 4.0 Macro

Excel is a spreadsheet developed by Microsoft that features calculation, graphing tools and macro program language.

3.6 K
5th July 2022 3553

What Is FTP Penetration Testing and What It Is Not?

File transfer protocol, a standardized protocol used to allow transmission of files between computers. It consists of a set of coded signals which are transmitted between computers, and which inform

1.9 K
23rd September 2021 1933

CIS Benchmarks are frameworks for calibrating a range of IT services and products to ensure the highest standards of cybersecurity

Enterprises have been able to achieve new digital heights thanks to the public cloud, which has enabled them to establish dynamic and scalable operations

3.5 K
23rd September 2021 3503

Why CIS Harden images should be matters for better security?

CIS Benchmarks are frameworks for calibrating a range of IT services and products to ensure the highest standards of cybersecurity. They’re developed through a collaborative process with input from experts within the cybersecurity community

3.2 K
10th May 2022 3206

80 percent of the backend technologies have banner exposed why is it a serious issues

Banner grabbing or active reconnaissance is a type of attack during which the attackers send requests to the system they are attempting to attack in order.

2.5 K
27th May 2019 2520

WPA3-Wi-Fi Protected Access

Every generation of our technology assures new security promises but parallelly generates the room for new problems. The present world allows users to connect to powerful mainframes, but unfortunately also allows intruders to discover ways to gain access towards user information, tamper the passwords, and in manipulating the access rights.

3.6 K
9th October 2018 3641


Sparta is a Python based GUI application and it’s a network infrastructure pentesting tool by aiding the pentesters in performing scanning and enumeration phase

4.2 K
6th November 2019 4207

This Awesome Stuff Will Make You Understand What Red Team And Blue Team Is

Most people think that Red Teaming and Blue Teaming are different approaches for testing and identifying the security flaws.

2.9 K
30th September 2019 2860

Growing Data Breaches And The Best Ways To Be Safe From Them

Data breaches – Unarguably, it’s a word that’s roaring predominantly and endlessly in each and every part of this digital world, without any precincts.

2.3 K
30th June 2022 2292

How to save yourself from Phishing attacks? A quick guide

Phishing is a type of social engineering attack used to obtain sensitive information from users, such as login credentials and credit card information.It

3.1 K
2nd August 2022 3072

Word-press plugin lightspeed caches security flaws and how to exploit them

WordPress plugin LiteSpeed Cache has a cross-site scripting vulnerability because it does not properly sanitize user input. An attacker can take advantage.

3 K
18th October 2019 3011

What Do You Need To Know About Cyber Kill Chain?

The Cyber Kill Chain framework is a part of the Intelligence driven defense model for identification and prevention of cyber intrusion activities (i.e. Hack or Breach).

2 K
28th June 2022 2039

Do you postpone the windows patch update?

If you do postpone, you might want to read this one. Many employee’s in the organization are using the old unpatched server, because of the blue screen error, system restart & update time.

2.2 K
26th November 2019 2161

Detailed Insights On Ipv6 Implementation And Its Security Related Aspects

Internet Protocol (IP) is a system that allows hosts to identify and connect to other hosts online. Ipv4 was implemented in the early 80s.