9 K
8th July 2019 8966

Android Manifest File Analysis 101

Android Manifest file provides the system with necessary data like application’s configuration information, permissions, and app components. Android Manifest File can be obtained by extracting any APK File and also while doing assessment, you can use APKtool & Drozer for extracting the Manifest file from the application.

9.3 K
4th May 2019 9288

Null Byte SQL Injection

Null Byte Injection is an exploitation technique which uses URL-encoded null byte characters to the user-supplied data. This injection process can alter the intended logic .

1.8 K
7th July 2023 1786

Level Up Your Dev Team: An Open Source Tool Checklist for Secure Code Development Culture

The protection of software applications against potential flaws and security breaches in today's digital environment .

3.2 K
30th January 2019 3155

What you should know before you Pick Secure Code Review services

Secure Code Review service is the process that comes into the development phase. It is used to detect all types of inconsistencies and flaws in various areas of authentication, authorization, security configuration, session management, logging, data validation, error handling, and encryption.

3 K
29th April 2020 2996

Evolution of Ransomware and the trends in 2020

Nowadays the biggest danger that we come across and also something that we are about to face in future is The cyber threat the crime that happens via internet and technology.