W9scan is an excellent Plug-in type web vulnerability scanner that scan the code with the 1200+ built-in plugins and performs one-time detection on the website. It performs Web fingerprint reconnaissance,Port detection,website structure analysis, vulnerability scanning(detects SQL injection & XSS), directory carwling etc., At the end of the execution W9scan will generate an detailed HTML report of the target.
Installation Manual
Step 1: Download or Clone the W9scan tool in to your machine.
root:~#git clone https://github.com/w-digital-scanner/w9scan.git
Step 2: Navigate the W9san directory
root:~#cd W9scan
Step 3: Change the Installation file into the executable format
root:~/W9scan#chmod +777 w9scan.py
Step 4: Run the W9scan tool by using the following command in your terminal
root:~/W9scan#python w9scan.py -u
User Manual
python w9scan.py --update Update procedure
python w9scan.py --guide Start w9scan in wizard mode
python w9scan.py -u "https://x.hacking8.com" Quickly scan a website
python w9scan.py -u "https://blog.hacking8.com/" -p emlog Specify the plugin to scan the website
python w9scan.py -u "@1.txt" -p emlog Specify plugins to scan websites in batches
python w9scan.py -s emlog Search for the presence of a plugin
--banner Output banner
--debug Output debugging information
Fingerprint detection
Finds the website CMS (300+)
Finds the Ports and its Service information
Finds the website scripting Language
Finds the type of Operating System running
Fingerprints the Web Application Firewall if exits
Attack parameters
SQL injection (based on crawler)
XSS injection (based on crawler)
Mass Fuzz parameter scanning
CVE vulnerability
1200+Designated plug-in directed verification attack,
struts Vulnerability collection (including automatic detection)
Shellshock cgi test
heartbeat Bleeding vulnerability scan
IIS parsing vulnerability
IIS Put vulnerability
Brute force
Performs Crawling based bruteforce attacks to find the Backup files and directories
Common Directory enumeration
Common documents enumeration
Subdomain brute force analysis
fckeditorPath enumeration
Common mdbdatabase enumeration
git svn Leak identification
TOMCAT web.xml Give way
Information Gathering
- Performs crawling and checks for any Emails information
- Private IP Disclosure Detection
- E-mail (based on reptiles)
- Detect Warnings, Fatal Error,..
- Grabs the Banner Information (server & Framework)
- PHP version recognition
- IP address attribution
- Integrated Wappalyzerrecognition script for finding site information
- robots.txt Parsing
- Detect Insecure HTTP Security headers
- Detect Insecure Cookie Attributes