Complete Automated pentest framework for Servers, Application Layer to Web Security. Tishna is Web Server Security Penetration Software for Ultimate Security Analaysis.
Supported OS: Kali, Parrot OS, Black Arch, Termux, Android Led TV.
Brief introduction:
Tishna software can audit, servers and web behaviour. Tishna is useful in Banks, Private Organisations and Ethical hacker personnel for legal auditing. Tishna can perform Scanning & Enumeration as much as possible of target. It’s first step to stop cyber criminals by securing your Servers and Web Application Security. Tishna is false positive free, when there is something it will show no matter what, if it is not, it will give blank results rather error.
git clone
cd Tishna
sudo chmod u+x *.sh
Tishna will integrate as system software
Run the command tishna in the terminal, which would start the tool. Choose the available options for performing the automated scan on the website or web application. There are more than 60 modules in the tools.
Audit HTTP Methods
Extract Response Header
Extract Images
Extract URLS
Identify Form
Find XSS in Forms Advanced Attack
Find XSS in Forms Simple Attack
Web Server Mount Response Splitting Attack
Header Inject Poison
Cache Poison Defacer
CRLF Response Splitting Attack & Fuzzer
HTTP Response Smuggling Fuzzing
Web Cache Deception Attack Check
HTTP Methods Information
Custom CSRF Injection Request
Load CSRF HTML Templates
Shell Shock
Cross Site Request Forgery Audit Toolkit
Find Available HTTP Methods
Find XSS in Parameters using Screaming Cobra
Find Missing HTTPS Methods
Server Side Request Forgery
Find Available HTTPS Methods
Audit XML RPC Methods, Extract All Information
Cookie Stealer XSS Localhost Server
Command Inections Exploits
Show JSON Endpoint List
Perform Blind,Encoded,Responsive XXE Injection
Perform File Upload Injections
Perform Side Side Template Injection
Perform JSON Web Token Injection
Perform Web Socket Injection
Perform Amazon Bucket Injection 101 aws amazon
Extract Cnames Records for Hijacking
Insecure Direct Object Reference - BURP
Perform CSV Injection
Perform XPATH Injection
Find XPath and SQL Parameter Injection
Show TWO-Factor Authenitcation Payloads
Mutated XSS payloads
Stored XSS payloads
Reflected XSS payloads
Waf Bypass payloads
Find XSS Using Response Spliting
Extract Links - Advanced
Download Images - Exif Data
Simple Response Splitting Attack
Double Response Splitting Attack
HTTP Cache Poison Attack
HTTP Cache Inject Poison
HTTP Fuzzer
IP Obfuscating
Binary Buffer Overflow Finder
Stored and Reflected XSS Angular JS Payloads
Phantom JS XSS Payload Helper
Agular JS Client Side Automatic XSS Finder
Session Hijacking Burp Method
OAUTH Injections
Bypass Firewall using DNS History