Dirsearch is Tool that performs bruteforce attack of sensitive directories and files that are found on the websites.

Installation Manual
Step 1: Download or Clone the Dirsearch tool in to your system.
root@kali:~#git clone https://github.com/maurosoria/dirsearch.git
Step 2: Navigate to the Dirsearch tool folder.
root@kali:~#cd dirsearch
Step 3: Run the tool by executing the installation file.
root@kali:~#python3 dirsearch.py -u -e
Sample Output:
To know the Dirsearch tool help command use,
root@kali:~#python3 dirsearch.py -h, --help
Compulsory Arguments:
-u URL, --url=URL URL target
-L URLLIST, --url-list=URLLIST
URL list target
Extension list separated by comma (Example: php,asp)
-E, --extensions-list
Use predefined list of common extensions
Supported Platforms
Windows XP/7/8/10
Keep alive connections
Support for multiple extensions (-e|--extensions asp,php)
Reporting (plain text, JSON)
Heuristically detects invalid web pages
Recursive brute forcing
HTTP proxy support
User agent randomization
Batch processing
Request delaying
Option to remove dot from extension when forcing (--nd, example%EXT% instead of example.%EXT%)
Options to display only items with response length from range (--min & --max)
Option to whitelist response codes (-i 200,500)
Option to remove output from console (-q, keeps output to files)
Option to add custom suffixes to filenames without dots (--suff .BAK,.old, example.%EXT%%SUFFIX%)
How to use
General usage: root@kali:~#python3 dirsearch.py –u https://www.example.com/ -e php
Some examples how to use dirsearch - those are the most common arguments. If you need all, just use the "-h" argument.
root@kali:~#python3 dirsearch.py -e php,txt,zip -u https://target -w db/dicc.txt
root@kali:~#python3 dirsearch.py -e php,txt,zip -u https://target -w db/dicc.txt --recursive -R 2
root@kali:~#python3 dirsearch.py -e php,txt,zip -u https://target -w db/dicc.txt --recursive -R 4 --scan-subdirs=/,/wp-content/,/wp-admin/
root@kali:~#python3 dirsearch.py -e php,txt,zip -u https://target -w db/dicc.txt --exclude-texts=This,AndThat
root@kali:~#python3 dirsearch.py -e php,txt,zip -u https://target -w db/dicc.txt -H "User-Agent: IE"
root@kali:~#python3 dirsearch.py -e php,txt,zip -u https://target -w db/dicc.txt -t 20
root@kali:~#python3 dirsearch.py -e php,txt,zip -u https://target -w db/dicc.txt --random-agents
root@kali:~#python3 dirsearch.py -e php,txt,zip -u https://target -w db/dicc.txt --json-report=reports/target.json
root@kali:~#python3 dirsearch.py -e php,txt,zip -u https://target -w db/dicc.txt --simple- root@kali:~#report=reports/target-paths.txt
root@kali:~#python3 dirsearch.py -e php,txt,zip -u https://target -w db/dicc.txt --plain-text-report=reports/target-paths-and-status.json