Hi. The place you’ve reached gladly directs you towards knowing and learning the highly menacing cyberattacks from the cosmos that commenced in the February 2019 month. During hardships, we blindly believe in two things, God and our Government, for providing us relief. But over the course of this month, it’s shockingly the Government sector that was highly targeted and affected by threat vectors from cyberspace amounting up till 31% totally. This was succeeded by hot-fix issuing companies about 26.1%, education sector about 13%, banking and finances about 8.7%, healthcare about 4.3% and much more. To experience a tiny bit of these, cyber catastrophe’s like

  • The Australian Parliament has been hacked by unanimous hackers, many confidential data are at stake.
  • Los Angeles International Government airport alongside southern Californian schools have faced severe DDoS attacks.
  • Tibet’s Government had been spied using PowerPoint file, by injecting a malware.
  • A serious zero-day vulnerability has been identified in WordPress, plugins are at risk.
  • One of Malta’s highly reputed bank, Bank of Valletta, lost 13 million Euros due to a data breach.

All these are connecting dots spearheading you towards the main source. You can check out the main source that contains many such of these just by clicking on it.