Welcome to the land of Briskinfosec where the accumulation of the significant worldwide cyberthreats during the month of December 2018 could be easily found. We’ve named this land of us as ‘Threatsploit Adversary Report’. Wondering why Adversary? Well, the immeasurable sufferings that cyberattacks caused to organizations and individuals and the massive losses faced by them, can’t be forgotten. During December 2018, it’s the healthcare, financial, transportation and Educational sectors that’ve accounted up to 80% of cyberbreaches. For you to believe, there were mayhems like

  • 6450 patient’s data in a US based medical firm was breached due to a faulty mail click.
  • About 30% of online healthcare databases were found to expose patients records.
  • 250+ IT systems at the University of Maryland Medical system got hit due to a malware.
  • Over 100,000 PC’s in China were hit due to a ransomware attack that’s fast growing.
  • Over 50,000 printers were hacked in order to promote PewDiePie and hurt T-series.

All these cited above are just like a drop in an ocean. There are many more attacks from cyberspace to which many couldn’t escape from becoming a victim. To know in depth, kindly do check out our report.