“As we’ve come to realize, the idea that security starts and ends with the purchase of a prepackaged firewall is simply misguided.” – Art Wittmann

Though we all know that security starts not with the purchase of a prepackaged firewall, but with securing the network properly. Unfortunately, many people still believe that security begins and ends with the purchase of a prepackaged firewall. This belief is misguided.

Many people in India were upset after it was announced that a top ERP firm had leaked half a million Indian job seekers' data. Cybercriminals could now use this information to commit fraud and other crimes, and many of the people whose information was leaked were scared for their safety.

Some of the Indians who had their data exposed were angry that the ERP firm had not done more to protect it. They said that the firm should have done more to encrypt the data, and that they should have been notified about the breach sooner. Others were worried about how this incident might impact their ability to find jobs.

Regardless of the opinions of the people who were affected by the data leak, one thing was clear: this was a serious incident that could have negative impacts on many people.

The Indian railway catering and tourism Corporation (IRCTC) was hacked last week and 30 million passenger records were put up for sale on the dark web. The data breach is still ongoing and the hackers are still selling the data. The personal information of the passengers, such as their names, e-mails, and booking details, can be used by cybercriminals to engage in phishing scams, identity theft, and other forms of fraud.

The IRCTC has warned the passengers that their personal data could be stolen and put up for sale, and they urged them to be careful about clicking on links or opening attachments sent to them in emails that they don't know or trust. The IRCTC has also urged the passengers not to share their personal information online or contact the hackers for help.

This is a big issue for the IRCTC because it can have serious consequences for the affected individuals and the company itself. The personal information that was exposed can be used by cybercriminals to engage in phishing scams, identity theft, and other forms of fraud. This can lead to financial losses and other damage for the affected individuals.

The month of January is always a busy time for the news media. There are many stories to be reported, understood and digested. This year was no different.

One of the biggest stories of the month was the attack on businesses in all domains. From technology to healthcare, to finance, all sectors were hit.

While this story was happening, there were others unfolding too. Paypal got hacked. A famous french airline got breached. A famous compay's website got defaced.

While there are many more stories to be told, we hope that everyone has a happy and safe January ahead.