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Indian Cyber Congress-InCyCon Partnered with Briskinfosec

Event Date: 09/29/2018

29 September 2018

Tirupathi- 29 September and 30 September 2018-10-04


Indian Cyber Congress (On Friday, September 29, 2018, The leading information security conference INCYCON) was organized by the National Cyber Safety and Security Standards (NCSSS) in association with Briskinfosec Technology and Consulting Pvt Ltd, being the associate event partners on 29th September 2018 at Sree Vidyanikethan Engineering College (SVEC), Tirupati. Conference attendees experienced keynote presentations, peer-to-peer sessions, track sessions, seminars focusing on topics like: National Security, Internal Security, Strengthening Digital India, Threats to National Critical Infrastructure, Cyber Security issues in Border Security, Latest technologies in Data Security, Cloud Security, Network Security, Application of Artificial Intelligence in Cyber Security Domain, Brain Wave Intelligence and etc, in Cyber Security Domain etc.

On Day 1 29th Sep 2018, Mr.Arulselvar Thomas was the Key Note speaker of an event titled as “Cybersecurity is a Shared Responsibility – Rule 10/90”. The session was well received by the audience because of its innovative delivery and the connecting dots associated with real-time issues. He shared tips to use social media more securely and also highlighted the top 10 rules to set profile picture.


On Day 2 30th Sep 2018, Briskinfosec is delighted to announce that our Founder and Director Mr.Arulselvar Thomas along with Dr Khali RaJ, Addl Director General National Cyber Safety and security standard released the Briskinfosec Zero Trust Framework (ZTF) during the conference on 30th September 2018 at SVEC, Tirupathi. The framework was the in-house development of Briskinfosec CoE (Centre of Excellence) BINT LAB, with a vision to protect the next generation security framework for each organization.


INCYCON Conference 2018 highlights include:

The release of the ZTF Framework, a BINT Lab Research Innovation to build better cyber digital paradigm.

The ZTF Framework headed by MR. Arulselvar Thomas, Founder and Director of Briskinfosec Technology led to the development of the ZTF model, which was released by DR Khali Raj, Director General Addl Director General National Cyber Safety and Security standard.

About Zero Trust Framework

The Zero Trust Framework is a Briskinfosec’s BINT Labs research innovation to build better Cyber secured digital paradigm. Zero Trust Framework is a security concept centered on the belief that an organization should not automatically trust anything inside and outside it. ZTF pushes the organization to create a layered security approach because we don’t have any control over attacker's capabilities and motivations. ZTF initiated requirements for designing, developing and for securing web apps and mobile apps.

Why Zero Trust Framework

Deploying a Zero Trust model puts the security team back in control of applications by making security automated, scalable and infrastructure agnostic. The goal of the Security Test/Penetration Test is to identify security issues such as Code issues, Misconfigure issues, and Best Practices. The cause of all cybersecurity issues exists because of pure trust.

Benefits of Zero Trust Framework

  • ZTF is a Transparent and straight-forward framework.
  • ZTF is a general framework which can be taken by any industry or business.
  • ZTF can be adopted along with other compliance standards, such as ISO 27001,PCI: DSS, HIPAA etc.
  • ZTF assured security as a topmost priority to sustainable business.
  • ZTF ensures the audit process in a more effective manner.
  • ZTF will build an independent business process without digital Trust Dependencies (TD).


BINT LAB (Brisk Intelligence Laboratory) is the in-house CoE (Center of Excellence) cybersecurity research lab of Briskinfosec. Research and development are focused on making today’s systems more secure while planning for tomorrow’s technology.  BINT LABS  is empowered with in-house Experts, Volunteers, External Security Researchers and most talented cybersecurity  professional’s whom are expertise in information security sector. We have put together a vast library of resources Blogs, Whitepapers, Security assessment tools to help manage and create smart Cybersecurity solutions.

About INCYCON Conference:

INCYCON Conference is the premier series of events where the world talks security and leadership gathers, advances and emerges. INCYCON Conference events are where the security industry converges to discuss current and future concerns and get access to the people, content and ideas that  enable individuals and companies to win, grow and do their best, that helps industry professionals discover how to make their companies more secure while showcasing the most enterprising, influential and thought-provoking thinkers and leaders in security today.

Download free Zero Trust Framework (ZTF) from www.briskinfosec.com/ztf