Rebel Framework to scan network and identify common vulnerabilities



Advanced and easy to use penetration testing framework

Rebel framework is a module-based framework which has multiple tools integrated within it.

Rebel Framework scans networks, detects live hosts, performs port scanning, identifies common vulnerabilities, sniffs network traffic, obtains information on the network interface, and stops connection between two or more points in a network.

The web application penetration testing features of Rebel Framework include website information gathering (IP address, email server, phone numbers),Website / IP address location discovery, sub-domains enumeration, email information gathering, CMS tracking, CMS bug identification, secret web directories searching, Open Source Intelligence (OSINT), and fuzzing.

Rebel Platform can use the ngrok application to simulate phishing attacks. Ngrok application helps to securely tunnele the local port / service. In addition to the penetration test, Rebel Framework can perform additional tasks such as encoding and decoding data, finding hashes in specific files, cracking hash, and recovering lost files and disk images.


Lock image

How Rebel Framework Works

Rebel Framework can be launched by running the following command in the terminal.


The Framework uses different modules to perform the aforesaid tasks. In order to view all the available modules, use the following command.

show modules

Rebel Framework displays all the available modules with some hint about their application.

In order to use the desired module, type its name in the following format.


To see the available options for the set module, use the following command.

show options

The above command shows different options that can be used to customize the selected module’s operations.